على مر السنين ، حافظ مشرفو مقاطعة جونسون على المزرعة وهي واحدة من المزارع الفقيرة القليلة المتبقية مع المباني القائمة في ولاية آيوا. من خلال عملية التخطيط الرئيسية ، اختار المشرفون مواصلة الحفاظ على المباني على الموقع ودفع زراعتها إلى الحاضر من خلال وضع الأساس لنموذج حاضنة المزرعة - مزرعة القرن الجديد.
تستضيف جمعية مقاطعة جونسون التاريخية جولات في المباني التاريخية والمناطق المحيطة بها. لتحديد موعد جولة ، يرجى الاتصال بـ: Alexandra McKendree ؛ مدير تنفيذي؛ (319) 351-5738 ؛ alexandra@johnsoncountyhistory.org.
Local Food Production
التعرف على تاريخ مزرعة الفقراء التاريخية في مقاطعة جونسون وتسجيله.
الحفاظ على الأرض وإعادتها
والمجتمعات المحيطة بنا.
التوسعات والتحسينات لتحسين الوصول العام وإنتاج الغذاء.
Land Access Program
Applications are closed.
The following rates pertain to the listed infrastructural items and are available for an annual fee.
Land = $35 per 1/8 acre
Irrigation Water Access = $150 per year
Storage Space = $100 per bay
Cold Storage (4' x 4' x 6') = Free
Shared Produce/Wash Pack Area (20' x 18') = Free
Iowa Valley RC&D offers some custom field work services. Prices vary.
Electrical access is for illumination purposes only in the North Shed. Additional access must be approved in advance by staff and fees may apply.
A small break area is available for tenants located in the North Shed. The break area includes a shared mini fridge, microwave, and picnic table.
Natural Areas
Johnson County hired Impact7G to create and implement a 7-year Natural Areas Master Plan.
7-year Natural Areas Master Plan Vision Statement:
"To preserve and elevate the health and diversity of species within the Historic Poor Farm of Johnson County, Iowa, and to nurture the stability and natural abundance of the land; promoting the ecosystem services that supported historic land use as well as encouraging the natural regenerative processes of soil, water, and biotic life."
Historic Building Complex
The farm’s Historic Building Complex contains several buildings that have undergone rehabilitation such as the Livestock Barn, Dairy Barn, and Asylum. Six of these buildings are on the National Register of Historic Places, therefore rehabilitation has been sensitive to their history, leaving original structures and features intact.
We have also been busy with the construction of a new educational building, the Cultivation Station. Additionally, we have been working with architects and engineers to design a Commercial Kitchen and Healing Trail which will be coming to the farm soon.